Partimento: A Beginner Method for Classical Improvisation. Stage 6 – Partimenti


This is ‘Stage 6: Partimenti’ for the upcoming book ‘Partimento: A Beginner Method for Classical Improvisation’. This book teaches the reader improvisation through updating the method of Partimento for the modern student. Stage 6, pp.172-188, covers a newly developed ‘Four Steps to Realising Partimenti’ so we can be more fluent in our partimenti realisations:

6.0 – Techniques to realise partimenti
6.1 – Summary & Partimenti

Stay posted for the last stage of this book, Partimento: A Beginner Method for Classical Improvisation, coming soon.


Have you ever wondered, “How did the great classical composers of the past improvise so well? How did they compose so fast? Why can’t classical musicians improvise anymore?”

The answer is that the classical musicians of the past were taught music through improvisation. The method of improvisation they learnt was Partimento. Classical musicians can no longer improvise because they have not been taught using Partimento or any historical improvisation method.

In order to combat this, I am publishing ‘Partimento: A Beginner Method for Classical Improvisation’. This book teaches the reader improvisation through updating the method of Partimento for the modern student.

We will walk through all of main techniques of improvisation such as Cadences, Rule of the Octave, Sequences, and Modulations.

Over 50 newly composed partimenti are contained in this book.


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